Childcare spaces are in short supply in most communities in BC.  Because of this, there are various incentives for operators and care givers to build and run facilities.  The development of a daycare can be complicated because of all the stakeholders and requirements.

In addition to municipal zoning requirements, all projects must meet the BC Building Code for life safety, and requirements set, out through regional Health Authorities, of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and the Childcare Regulations Act.

The Building Code requires that most facilities have an architect to ensure all of the regulations are met, and to ensure all of your professional team are working together for a successful project.  This means our involvement can span from site selection and site diligence through to construction and occupancy.

Over the years, Hearth Architectural Inc. has been the architect of record for many daycare facilities within the British Columbia, and is uniquely able to ensure your needs as an owner operator are met as well as all of the requirements listed above.  Please see below for some recent and current examples of childcare facilities to understand our experience.